
class virtualitics_sdk.elements.numeric_range.NumericRange(min_range, max_range, min_selection=None, max_selection=None, include_nulls_visible=True, include_nulls_value=False, title='', description='', single=False, show_title=True, show_description=True, label='', placeholder='', step_size=None)

Bases: InputElement

A Numeric Range Input Element.

  • min_range (Union[int, float]) – The minimum value for the range.

  • max_range (Union[int, float]) – The maximum value for the range.

  • min_selection (Union[float, int, None]) – The minimum selected value. Defaults to min_range value, defaults to None.

  • max_selection (Union[float, int, None]) – The maximum selected value. Defaults to max_range value, defaults to None. For single sided sliders, this is the value to change to set defaults.

  • include_nulls_visible (bool) – whether null values will be visible, defaults to True.

  • include_nulls_value (bool) – whether to include null values, defaults to False.

  • title (str) – The title of the element, defaults to ‘’.

  • description (str) – The element’s description, defaults to ‘’.

  • single (bool) – whether this range element is for a single sided slider, defaults to False.

  • show_title (bool) – whether to show the title on the page when rendered, defaults to True.

  • show_description (bool) – whether to show the description to the page when rendered, defaults to True.

  • label (str) – The label of the element, defaults to ‘’.

  • placeholder (str) – The placeholder of the element, defaults to ‘’.

  • step_size (Union[float, int, None]) – The size of default intervals between the min and max, defaults to None to automatically determine step size.


Get the value of an element. If the user has interacted with the value, the default will be updated.


Updates the element default values from user input


user_input (dict) – Input from a user on the platform.