
Plot Creation Methods#

Many of the methods to create 2D visualizations are very similar and rely on a common set of options when creating the plots.

predict_backend.utils.viz_utils.create_bar_plot(data_frame, x_axis_key, y_axis_key, plot_title, plot_description='', show_tooltip=True, include_keys_tooltip=None, exclude_keys_tooltip=None, x_axis_orientation=XAxisOrientation.BOTTOM, y_axis_orientation=YAxisOrientation.LEFT, x_axis_scale=PlotAxisScale.AUTO, y_axis_scale=PlotAxisScale.LINEAR, x_axis_label=None, y_axis_label=None, is_primary=False, plot_orientation=PlotOrientation.LANDSCAPE, color_by=None, bounds=None, color_by_category=True, show_title=True, show_description=True, colors=None, advanced_tooltip=None, legend=None)#

Generates a Bar Plot for using Predict’s Visualization Framework.

  • data_frame (Union[Dataset, DataFrame]) – The data that should be plotted. NOTE: Rows with NaN will be filtered out.

  • x_axis_key (str) – The name of the column for the X-Axis.

  • y_axis_key (str) – The name of the column for the Y-Axis.

  • plot_title (str) – The title of the plot.

  • plot_description (str) – The description of the plot, defaults to “”.

  • show_tooltip (bool) – Whether or not to show the tooltip, defaults to True.

  • include_keys_tooltip (Optional[List[str]]) – Keys to include on tooltip, defaults to all keys.

  • exclude_keys_tooltip (Optional[List[str]]) – Keys to exclude on tooltip, defaults to including all keys.

  • x_axis_orientation (XAxisOrientation) – The orientation of the X-Axis, defaults to XAxisOrientation.BOTTOM.

  • y_axis_orientation (YAxisOrientation) – The orientation of the Y-Axis, defaults to YAxisOrientation.LEFT.

  • x_axis_scale (PlotAxisScale) – The scale of the X-Axis, defaults to PlotAxisScale.AUTO.

  • y_axis_scale (PlotAxisScale) – The scale of the Y-Axis, defaults to PlotAxisScale.LINEAR.

  • x_axis_label (Optional[str]) – The label for the X-axis, defaults to x_axis_key.

  • y_axis_label (Optional[str]) – The label for the Y-axis, defaults to y_axis_key.

  • is_primary – Whether or not this is the primary plot, defaults to False.

  • plot_orientation (PlotOrientation) – The orientation for the plot. Can be “landscape” or “portrait”, defaults to PlotOrientation.LANDSCAPE.

  • color_by (Optional[str]) – The column to use to color the plot if coloring, defaults to None (no coloring).

  • bounds (Optional[Dict[str, List[Union[str, int]]]]) – The bounds of the data range if they should be manually set. This is a dict that contains they key as a string and a list of two numbers as min and max range. A list of strings is also accepted for categorical values, defaults to None. For example {x_axis_key: [0, 100], y_axis_key: [50, 200]}

  • color_by_category (bool) – When true, the color by axis will be categorical (if set).

  • show_title (bool) –

  • show_description (bool) –

  • colors (Optional[List[str]]) – The hex color schema a plot should use, defaults to None (Predict default colors).

  • advanced_tooltip (Optional[Callable[[dict], List[Union[Element, str]]]]) – The function to call that creatse an advanced tooltip. This functions takes a dict containing the data point and returns a list of elements (Plots, Infographics Tables, Infographics, CustomEvents) or strings which are rendered as markdown, defaults to None

  • legend (Optional[List[str]]) – A list to represent the order and labels on the legend. Will default to order present in plot data.

Return type:



A newly created bar plot.

predict_backend.utils.viz_utils.create_histogram_plot(data_frame, data_column, plot_title, plot_description='', bins='auto', frequency=False, show_tooltip=True, include_keys_tooltip=None, exclude_keys_tooltip=None, x_axis_orientation=XAxisOrientation.BOTTOM, y_axis_orientation=YAxisOrientation.LEFT, x_axis_scale=PlotAxisScale.AUTO, y_axis_scale=PlotAxisScale.LINEAR, x_axis_label=None, y_axis_label=None, is_primary=False, plot_orientation=PlotOrientation.LANDSCAPE, color_by=None, bounds=None, color_by_category=True, show_title=True, show_description=True, _id=None, colors=None, advanced_tooltip=None, legend=None)#

Generates a Histogram Plot using Predict’s Visualization Framework.

  • data_frame (Union[Dataset, DataFrame]) – The data that should be plotted. NOTE: Rows with NaN will be filtered out.

  • data_column (str) – The name of the column whose data will be plotted in the histogram.

  • plot_title (str) – The title of the plot.

  • plot_description (str) – The description of the plot, defaults to “”.

  • bins (Union[int, Sequence[Union[int, float, number]], str]) – If an integer is provided, this is number of bins to to plot in the histogram. If a sequence of numbers is provided, these denote the edges of the bins, including the right most edge. If a string is provided, a binning algorithm is used to determine the number of bins based on the data’s distribution. More details can be found here, defaults to ‘auto’.

  • frequency (bool) – Determines whether to plot a histogram based on counts or frequency. If False, the histogram is plotted using counts in each bin. If True, uses frequency instead, defaults to False.

  • show_tooltip (bool) – Whether or not to show the tooltip, defaults to True.

  • include_keys_tooltip (Optional[List[str]]) – Keys to include on tooltip, defaults to all keys.

  • exclude_keys_tooltip (Optional[List[str]]) – Keys to exclude on tooltip, defaults to including all keys.

  • x_axis_orientation (XAxisOrientation) – The orientation of the X-Axis, defaults to XAxisOrientation.BOTTOM.

  • y_axis_orientation (YAxisOrientation) – The orientation of the Y-Axis, defaults to YAxisOrientation.LEFT.

  • x_axis_scale (PlotAxisScale) – The scale of the X-Axis, defaults to PlotAxisScale.AUTO.

  • y_axis_scale (PlotAxisScale) – The scale of the Y-Axis, defaults to PlotAxisScale.LINEAR.

  • x_axis_label (Optional[str]) – The label for the X-axis, defaults to x_axis_key.

  • y_axis_label (Optional[str]) – The label for the Y-axis, defaults to y_axis_key.

  • is_primary – Whether or not this is the primary plot, defaults to False.

  • plot_orientation (PlotOrientation) – The orientation for the plot. Can be “landscape” or “portrait”, defaults to PlotOrientation.LANDSCAPE.

  • color_by (Optional[str]) – The column to use to color the plot if coloring, defaults to None (no coloring).

  • bounds (Optional[Dict[str, List[Union[str, int]]]]) – The bounds of the data range if they should be manually set. This is a dict that contains they key as a string and a list of two numbers as min and max range. A list of strings is also accepted for categorical values, defaults to None. For example {x_axis_key: [0, 100], y_axis_key: [50, 200]}

  • color_by_category (bool) – When true, the color by axis will be categorical (if set).

  • show_title (bool) –

  • show_description (bool) –

  • _id (Optional[str]) – The ID of the plot, defaults to None.

  • colors (Optional[List[str]]) – The hex color schema a plot should use, defaults to None (Predict default colors).

  • advanced_tooltip (Optional[Callable[[dict], List[Union[Element, str]]]]) – The function to call that creatse an advanced tooltip. This functions takes a dict containing the data point and returns a list of elements (Plots, Infographics Tables, Infographics, CustomEvents) or strings which are rendered as markdown, defaults to None

  • legend (Optional[List[str]]) – A list to represent the order and labels on the legend. Will default to order present in plot data.

Return type:



A newly created bar plot.

predict_backend.utils.viz_utils.create_line_plot(data_frame, x_axis_key, y_axis_key, plot_title, plot_description='', show_tooltip=True, include_keys_tooltip=None, exclude_keys_tooltip=None, x_axis_orientation=XAxisOrientation.BOTTOM, y_axis_orientation=YAxisOrientation.LEFT, x_axis_scale=PlotAxisScale.AUTO, y_axis_scale=PlotAxisScale.LINEAR, x_axis_label=None, y_axis_label=None, is_primary=False, plot_orientation=PlotOrientation.LANDSCAPE, color_by=None, bounds=None, color_by_category=True, show_title=True, show_description=True, colors=None, advanced_tooltip=None, lines=[], legend=None)#

Generates a Line Plot for using Predict’s Visualization Framework.

  • data_frame (Union[Dataset, DataFrame]) – The data that should be plotted. NOTE: Rows with NaN will be filtered out.

  • x_axis_key (str) – The name of the column for the X-Axis.

  • y_axis_key (str) – The name of the column for the Y-Axis.

  • plot_title (str) – The title of the plot.

  • plot_description (str) – The description of the plot, defaults to “”.

  • show_tooltip (bool) – Whether or not to show the tooltip, defaults to True.

  • include_keys_tooltip (Optional[List[str]]) – Keys to include on tooltip, defaults to all keys.

  • exclude_keys_tooltip (Optional[List[str]]) – Keys to exclude on tooltip, defaults to including all keys.

  • x_axis_orientation (XAxisOrientation) – The orientation of the X-Axis, defaults to XAxisOrientation.BOTTOM.

  • y_axis_orientation (YAxisOrientation) – The orientation of the Y-Axis, defaults to YAxisOrientation.LEFT.

  • x_axis_scale (PlotAxisScale) – The scale of the X-Axis, defaults to PlotAxisScale.AUTO.

  • y_axis_scale (PlotAxisScale) – The scale of the Y-Axis, defaults to PlotAxisScale.LINEAR.

  • x_axis_label (Optional[str]) – The label for the X-axis, defaults to x_axis_key.

  • y_axis_label (Optional[str]) – The label for the Y-axis, defaults to y_axis_key.

  • is_primary – Whether or not this is the primary plot, defaults to False.

  • plot_orientation (PlotOrientation) – The orientation for the plot. Can be “landscape” or “portrait”, defaults to PlotOrientation.LANDSCAPE.

  • color_by (Optional[str]) – The column to use to color the plot if coloring, defaults to None (no coloring).

  • bounds (Optional[Dict[str, List[Union[str, int]]]]) – The bounds of the data range if they should be manually set. This is a dict that contains the key as a string and a list of two numbers as min and max range. A list of strings is also accepted for categorical values, defaults to None. For example {x_axis_key: [0, 100], y_axis_key: [50, 200]}

  • color_by_category (bool) – When true, the color by axis will be categorical (if set).

  • show_title (bool) –

  • show_description (bool) –

  • colors (Optional[List[str]]) – The hex color schema a plot should use, defaults to None (Predict default colors).

  • advanced_tooltip (Optional[Callable[[dict], List[Union[Element, str]]]]) – The function to call that creatse an advanced tooltip. This functions takes a dict containing the data point and returns a list of elements (Plots, Infographics Tables, Infographics, CustomEvents) or strings which are rendered as markdown, defaults to None

  • lines (List[Dict[str, Union[LineType, str, Any]]]) – A list of dictionaries containing information on parameters for the creation of a line on the plot. Each dictionary in the list denotes a different line. The currently supported line types are ‘horizontal’, ‘vertical’, and ‘linear’, where a ‘linear’ line denotes a linear trend line fitted to the data. The dictionary must be specify the line type using a LineType enum and can specify additional parameters relevant each line type. See the constructors for the HorizontalLine, VerticalLine, and OLSTrendLine for more information. For exmaple, a dictionary for a linear trend line could look like: {“type”: LineType.LINEAR, “description”: “My trendline”, “time_series_unit”: pd.Timedelta(“1 hours”)}.

  • legend (Optional[List[str]]) – A list to represent the order and labels on the legend. Will default to order present in plot data.

Return type:



A newly created line plot.

predict_backend.utils.viz_utils.create_plot(plot_type, data_frame, x_axis_key, y_axis_key, plot_title, plot_description='', show_tooltip=True, include_keys_tooltip=None, exclude_keys_tooltip=None, x_axis_orientation=XAxisOrientation.BOTTOM, y_axis_orientation=YAxisOrientation.LEFT, x_axis_scale=PlotAxisScale.AUTO, y_axis_scale=PlotAxisScale.LINEAR, x_axis_label=None, y_axis_label=None, is_primary=False, plot_orientation=PlotOrientation.LANDSCAPE, color_by=None, bounds=None, color_by_category=True, show_title=True, show_description=True, colors=None, advanced_tooltip=None, lines=[], legend=None)#

Generates a Plot for using Predict’s Visualization Framework.

  • plot_type (PlotType) –

  • data_frame (Union[Dataset, DataFrame]) – The data that should be plotted. NOTE: Rows with NaN will be filtered out.

  • x_axis_key (str) – The name of the column for the X-Axis.

  • y_axis_key (str) – The name of the column for the Y-Axis.

  • plot_title (str) – The title of the plot.

  • plot_description (str) – The description of the plot, defaults to “”.

  • show_tooltip (bool) – Whether or not to show the tooltip, defaults to True.

  • include_keys_tooltip (Optional[List[str]]) – Keys to include on tooltip, defaults to all keys.

  • exclude_keys_tooltip (Optional[List[str]]) – Keys to exclude on tooltip, defaults to including all keys.

  • x_axis_orientation (XAxisOrientation) – The orientation of the X-Axis, defaults to XAxisOrientation.BOTTOM.

  • y_axis_orientation (YAxisOrientation) – The orientation of the Y-Axis, defaults to YAxisOrientation.LEFT.

  • x_axis_scale (PlotAxisScale) – The scale of the X-Axis, defaults to PlotAxisScale.LINEAR.

  • y_axis_scale (PlotAxisScale) – The scale of the Y-Axis, defaults to PlotAxisScale.LINEAR.

  • x_axis_label (Optional[str]) – The label for the X-axis, defaults to the x_axis_key.

  • y_axis_label (Optional[str]) – The label for the Y-axis, defaults to the y_axis_key.

  • is_primary – Whether or not this is the primary plot. Defaults to the False.

  • plot_orientation (PlotOrientation) – The orientation for the plot. Can be “landscape” or “portrait”. Defaults to landscape.

  • color_by (Optional[str]) – The column to use to color the plot if coloring. Defaults to None (no coloring).

  • bounds (Optional[Dict[str, List[Union[str, int]]]]) – The bounds of the data range if they should be manually set. This is a dict that contains they key as a string and a list of two numbers as min and max range. A list of strings is also accepted for categorical values. For example {x_axis_key: [0, 100], y_axis_key: [50, 200]}

  • color_by_category (bool) – When true, the color by axis will be categorical (if set).

  • show_title (bool) –

  • show_description (bool) –

  • colors (Optional[List[str]]) – The hex color schema a plot should use, defaults to None (Predict default colors).

  • advanced_tooltip (Optional[Callable[[dict], List[Union[Element, str]]]]) – The function to call that creatse an advanced tooltip. This functions takes a dict containing the data point and returns a list of elements (Plots, Infographics Tables, Infographics, CustomEvents) or strings which are rendered as markdown, defaults to None

  • lines (List[Dict[str, Union[LineType, str, Any]]]) – A list of dictionaries containing information on parameters for the creation of a line on the plot. Each dictionary in the list denotes a different line. The currently supported line types are ‘horizontal’, ‘vertical’, and ‘linear’, where a ‘linear’ line denotes a linear trend line fitted to the data. The dictionary must be specify the line type using a LineType enum and can specify additional parameters relevant each line type. See the constructors for the HorizontalLine, VerticalLine, and OLSTrendLine for more information. For exmaple, a dictionary for a linear trend line could look like: {“type”: LineType.LINEAR, “description”: “My trendline”, “time_series_unit”: pd.Timedelta(“1 hours”)}.

  • legend (Optional[List[str]]) – A list to represent the order and labels on the legend. Will default to order present in plot data.

Return type:



A Plot with the specification from above.

predict_backend.utils.viz_utils.create_scatter_plot(data_frame, x_axis_key, y_axis_key, plot_title, plot_description='', show_tooltip=True, include_keys_tooltip=None, exclude_keys_tooltip=None, x_axis_orientation=XAxisOrientation.BOTTOM, y_axis_orientation=YAxisOrientation.LEFT, x_axis_scale=PlotAxisScale.AUTO, y_axis_scale=PlotAxisScale.LINEAR, x_axis_label=None, y_axis_label=None, is_primary=False, plot_orientation=PlotOrientation.LANDSCAPE, color_by=None, bounds=None, color_by_category=True, show_title=True, show_description=True, colors=None, advanced_tooltip=None, lines=[], legend=None)#

Generates a Scatter Plot for using Predict’s Visualization Framework.

  • data_frame (Union[Dataset, DataFrame]) – The data that should be plotted. NOTE: Rows with NaN will be filtered out.

  • x_axis_key (str) – The name of the column for the X-Axis.

  • y_axis_key (str) – The name of the column for the Y-Axis.

  • plot_title (str) – The title of the plot.

  • plot_description (str) – The description of the plot, defaults to “”.

  • show_tooltip (bool) – Whether or not to show the tooltip, defaults to True.

  • include_keys_tooltip (Optional[List[str]]) – Keys to include on tooltip, defaults to all keys.

  • exclude_keys_tooltip (Optional[List[str]]) – Keys to exclude on tooltip, defaults to including all keys.

  • x_axis_orientation (XAxisOrientation) – The orientation of the X-Axis, defaults to XAxisOrientation.BOTTOM.

  • y_axis_orientation (YAxisOrientation) – The orientation of the Y-Axis, defaults to YAxisOrientation.LEFT.

  • x_axis_scale (PlotAxisScale) – The scale of the X-Axis, defaults to PlotAxisScale.AUTO.

  • y_axis_scale (PlotAxisScale) – The scale of the Y-Axis, defaults to PlotAxisScale.LINEAR.

  • x_axis_label (Optional[str]) – The label for the X-axis, defaults to x_axis_key.

  • y_axis_label (Optional[str]) – The label for the Y-axis, defaults to y_axis_key.

  • is_primary – Whether or not this is the primary plot, defaults to False.

  • plot_orientation (PlotOrientation) – The orientation for the plot. Can be “landscape” or “portrait”, defaults to PlotOrientation.LANDSCAPE.

  • color_by (Optional[str]) – The column to use to color the plot if coloring, defaults to None (no coloring).

  • bounds (Optional[Dict[str, List[Union[str, int]]]]) – The bounds of the data range if they should be manually set. This is a dict that contains they key as a string and a list of two numbers as min and max range. A list of strings is also accepted for categorical values, defaults to None. For example {x_axis_key: [0, 100], y_axis_key: [50, 200]}

  • color_by_category (bool) – When true, the color by axis will be categorical (if set).

  • show_title (bool) –

  • show_description (bool) –

  • colors (Optional[List[str]]) – The hex color schema a plot should use, defaults to None (Predict default colors).

  • advanced_tooltip (Optional[Callable[[dict], List[Union[Element, str]]]]) – The function to call that creatse an advanced tooltip. This functions takes a dict containing the data point and returns a list of elements (Plots, Infographics Tables, Infographics, CustomEvents) or strings which are rendered as markdown, defaults to None

  • lines (List[Dict[str, Union[LineType, str, Any]]]) – A list of dictionaries containing information on parameters for the creation of a line on the plot. Each dictionary in the list denotes a different line. The currently supported line types are ‘horizontal’, ‘vertical’, and ‘linear’, where a ‘linear’ line denotes a linear trend line fitted to the data. The dictionary must be specify the line type using a LineType enum and can specify additional parameters relevant each line type. See the constructors for the HorizontalLine, VerticalLine, and OLSTrendLine for more information. For exmaple, a dictionary for a linear trend line could look like: {“type”: LineType.LINEAR, “description”: “My trendline”, “time_series_unit”: pd.Timedelta(“1 hours”)}.

  • legend (Optional[List[str]]) – A list to represent the order and labels on the legend. Will default to order present in plot data.

Return type:



A newly created scatter plot.